
Friday, June 19, 2009


1. who tag you?

- ila mummy izz yg gebus...

2. do you like tags?
- ermmmm....suka sgt tu xder lah tp kira amanah boleh jd 1 tanggungjawab gak kena siapkan wakaka

3. If you can have a dream to come true,what would it be?
- huhu aper yer.....aku nk duk umah goyang kaki je pas2 duit masyuk dgn sendiri nya hehe

4. What is your current mood?
- ermm...penyakit rajin dtg tu yg selesaikan utang tag ila ni..

5. What will u do if your crush said he/she adores u to?
- ate...giler.....??!!

6. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
- rasanya xder kot..

7. Which will you prefer,loving someone or being loved by someone?
- dua2 lah...baru syiok bertepuk 2 belah tgn

8. What is your favourite food?
-entah...rasanya smua suka kot

9. If the person you dislike is right infront of you,what will you do?
- wat derk jelah layan cam biasa...aku x suka cari2 gaduh ni

10. What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
- mestilah doakan kebahagiaan,kesejahteraan,kesihatan,serta panjang umur nya

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?.
- entah mana tau...x leh byngkan lagi....wakaka agknya beranak pinak kot....agaknya lah..

12. What is the reason that could make you tensed up?
- aper2 jelah yg leh wat angin borneo aku dtg

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tag u is?
- dia ni peramah tau..nak2 masa memula kenal dia..rasa cam dh lama kenal dia,dia rajin wat gather2 ni...& dia seorang yg prihatin sgt pd family nyer.Best kalo jd anaknya ni genti dpt macam2,mintak je wakaka

14. Would you rather be a single and rich or married but poor?
- dah mmg married..mesti lah nk + rich pulak kan...uish kasi pilihan jwpn x tepat.biarlah aku nk wat jwpn sendiri

15. Would you sacrifice for your loved ones?
- rela aper sajer

16. What's the character must have in your partner?
- loving..caring...semua lah..& richhhy bab kata X-boss korea aku...wakaka sajer sesekali jd mata dolar

17. If you fall in love with to people simultaneusly,who would you like to pick?
- entah x sempat nk pikir

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?forget?
- tengoklah...time baik aku wat2 lupa..kalo time aku jahat..sorry lah

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
- mestilah relationship...kan best

20. What is your embrassing moment?
- entah..malas nk ingat

21. Who are the 5 person that you would like to tag?
geng2 mommies aku rs genti dh ramai kena ni..jd aku nk tgk new bloggers iaitu kwn2 aku kat borneo ni jawap ada brannnnnn....hehe

1- Nurul mama afiq&alisya
2- Eryn mama erisya
3- Ju mama farid&fahim
& 2mores..mak buyong seangkatan dgn ku
4- Su mama danish

5- Liza mama haris

(eh baru aku pasanlah semua anak2 geng2 aku kat cni panggil mama kan....aku je eh panggil ibu...wakakaka)

1 comment:

julia jus said...

pjg punya tag...isyllhh